Benotnite Clay - What is it and How is it used.

Getting back to nature can be invigorating for the mind, soul, body, & especially your skin.  A day in the sand at the beach or a day working in the dirt of your garden can bring out a healthy glow and naturally soften your skin.  You can also get those great benefits and more from Bentonite Clay. Bentonite Clay, known as Indian Healing Clay, is full of minerals like magnesium, calcium, & iron. It’s used externally and internally for face and hair masks, mud packs, body poultices, bath soaks, and calming digestive issues.  The most talked about advantage of using Bentonite is that it absorbs and removes impurities, toxins, & heavy metals. You will usually see this clay used in beauty recipes because it softens your skin, unclogs pores and shrinks them. Bentonite Clay is also enjoyed because it exfoliates and leaves your face and skin with a nice glow.  There is absolutely no replacement to getting out and enjoying the natural glory of the outdoors but Bentonite Clay is a nice way to refresh your skin and face after a long day, without rolling in the mud. Bentonite Clay is from small volcanic ash glass particles found in rock deposits from as far back as 2.6 million years ago. Giving us centuries of minerals and substance.  It is truly a natural way to pull out the impurities your skin deals with everyday. There are DIY Face & Hair Masks out there to get you started. Of course, always do a skin test first to make sure it’s right for you and always speak to your Doctor before adding to/changing your health regimen. If are already using Bentonite Clay please share your favorite way in the comments.